Saturday, April 5, 2008

let's start with the road view of Italy~

this pic was taken while i was on e bus from airport to Padova

we took a roughly 1hr30mins bus trip to Padova,e historical town in italy history?! anw e bus parked in a parking area near a huge square with lots of status~

ppl alighting from e bus at Padova

on our way to e church,i saw two ppl, one lying over another face to face, feet to feet on e grass. after 2 hrs when we were walking back to e bus,i saw e two of them remain in e same position at e same spot.....i think they are dead..oops...
basses in Padova square!
we went to this big church(sry i forgot e name:P). e church is specially designed tt e echo made one man's voice sound like one choir singing~

choir grp pic!

ali,me n tiffany!

uvika,ali n tiffany~

shadows of grp 7~

not bad rite? haha

grp 7!
after visiting Padova, we made our way to e hotel,Antony Palace!
To Be Continued....