Sunday, April 27, 2008

went to may day五月天 回到地球表面concert last night
great concert i admit
e songs are great
n ai xin look more shuai than on tv
thanks to ting for ur tickets:)
haocheng is emoing recently

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
An adorable night. It's the greatest time I've ever had.
there werent aint stars, but there were you and me

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 3

On the third day of e trip, we went to Venice, e place which I’ve heard of since I was young. After breakfast, we took e bus to the bay, then cruised to Venice.

JaJa n his cute beanie

Let’s set off~
Bryan,wanyun,cs(feeling bored?haha),lava,wensong n me!

Ek Ping n me!(how come my smile so weird-_-“)

After ard 20 mins of sailing. We boarded Venice!

“we come to invade Venice”

Venice is a nice place. All the buildings n shops are of century’s history. It’s amazing tt they can still be kept in such good condition.

So we came to this big square n met our tour guide…

Me look retarded leaning on the tower-_-"
getting into this huge church behind us..
Stanrdard tourist photo……hahaz

Oh yeah do you noe tt jay chou’s hei se mao yi mv was taken at the building behind me? Hahaz

us in the glass factory

Michael n me among shining glasses~

Ann, elvin n me~

Wen song!

Ann posing~~haha:P
Me outside e glass factory:)

ws outside e glass factory:)

Sixuan n ziyi~~
Had Lunch in Venice~ate squid ink…
Ai mei oh~haha

My table: caleb,me ws,cs,wanyun,lava,bryan

In e afternoon, we wandered ard Venice n went crazy abt gelato~yumyum

Ziyi n me licking gelato~haha
Trust me, they are acting Ai Mei only….:P
Eunice yip,jaja,yongjian,ziyi~
Who’s hand?haha


Ali n me posing^^

Ling chung’s eyes are popping out~


We rushed back to the cruise cause we were late~

On our way back~

cs,me n bryan~

Caleb emoing….
Byebye Venice~

We took bus back to the hotel in the evening, n getting ready to move to Reva Del Garda e next morning~

To Be Countinued….

NJC choir cantab & birthday

Had NJ Cantabile concert yesterday. Tried our best to put up e great show. And it ‘s also the last concert together with e seniors. Really appreciate the efforts they had put in and enjoyed my time practicing with them as well. So best wishes to all the seniors, we will miss all of u!

Bassos cause we are 男人!

Yesterday was also my birthday. Hahas. Had dinner with the lovely fruit basket, really thank u guys a lot for the presents! I’m gonna miss u guys so much T.T

Thanks Ali for ur present, like it very much. I’ll keep it all e time ^^

Also thanks to Peizhen(tkx 4 e choc), yanlin, jiarong, hui shi, keng hwee, wai khit, jolynn, Eunice, jocerlyn for ur messages:)

Cannot forget the ReTards as well! thks for e shirt:) u guys rawk~:)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I want to update my blog but i dun have time. i want to link ppl up but i dun have time. i got 2 tests next week, n my hw is untouched by nw. tmr got cantab. no time to mug.

I will be so dead.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

let's start with the road view of Italy~

this pic was taken while i was on e bus from airport to Padova

we took a roughly 1hr30mins bus trip to Padova,e historical town in italy history?! anw e bus parked in a parking area near a huge square with lots of status~

ppl alighting from e bus at Padova

on our way to e church,i saw two ppl, one lying over another face to face, feet to feet on e grass. after 2 hrs when we were walking back to e bus,i saw e two of them remain in e same position at e same spot.....i think they are dead..oops...
basses in Padova square!
we went to this big church(sry i forgot e name:P). e church is specially designed tt e echo made one man's voice sound like one choir singing~

choir grp pic!

ali,me n tiffany!

uvika,ali n tiffany~

shadows of grp 7~

not bad rite? haha

grp 7!
after visiting Padova, we made our way to e hotel,Antony Palace!
To Be Continued....