Tuesday, November 10, 2009

half way through the semester

It's alrdy half way through this semester. Though the weather is kinda warm recently, I can still feel the cool freeze hiding in the wind. Life has been buzy in a good way. Everything is moving on, hair grows longer and autumn leaves are falling. Came across this interesting idea from my videogame-addicted roommate that "think life as a RPG game, we are just gradually building up the character for all the purposes". This is so freaking true. All the shit we learnt everyday, all the people we meet, all the exercises we had, and all the emotions we have been through are just counted as experiences adding on our profile. In the process we will become stronger and better. This is how we grow up.


happiness said...
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happiness said...

hc! 走光了!oops.. haha.. that pair of boxers looks kinda familiar huh.. lol
