Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The music is making me feeling more depressing, but as it sings, Everything's not lost.
First thing first, I'm flying off Singapore this Saturday. I really enjoyed my stay here in SG this year, and I wish it could be longer. I haven't met all the friends I want to meet, but time is the limit. Don't worry, I will definitely see you guys in the future.
So went to play bball with the bball guys. It was a really fun match. Everybody didn't really change much. It just feels like back to the secondary school days, except the subjects now we talk about are Alevel, NS and what's going to happen in life. I really looking forward to the next match in these years. Hope it will be soon.

Hanged out with Yangsheng and Daniel last week. wandered ard n drinked a little bit n chit chatted. It's great to know them. They are the type who are really serious when needed, and are daring enough to do all the crazy stuffs and hanging outs with me. I enjoyed our talks and jokes been made. so keep it on guys, take care and keep in contacts okay.

Had picnic with the Retards under the star at Marina Barrage. The place is newly constraucted, but it's a great place to hang out. The whole CBD area and the flyer can been viewed at the top of the barrage.

played tennis with the retards on another day
It's really amazing how the retards is found, how the eight of us came together and formed the clique. We always share our joys n worries, n be retarded toegher. well it's a pity tt didn't see yk n zhen much. But I shall chatch up with u guys some other time.

Had a picnic with the FB! Although I only met u guys for a few months last year, there is really good bonding among us. FB consists some many people with different characteristics, but we just kind of like the magnet, pulled together. I'm so glad that I met u guys in NJ. well this year is critical to u guys, so everybody is like mugging hard. so all the best for ur studies n Alevels. hopefully we can meet up again soon.

Had a nice chat with arthas. he's become more mature I think. starts to think abt his future n plans. oh n thanks to jolle for the cake, and good luck in school.

Met up with Jolynn for her belated birthday with guowei, huishi, congshi and derrick. They didn't really change much haha.

well time to go. Goodbye my friends. Hope that I will see you guys again soon!