Monday, June 2, 2008

Choir BBQ!

hey~so last Saturday was e election day n bbq. congrats to e next com~~

hmm~~then come to e bbq session. I admit tt this is e first successful bbq i ever had, although i didn't eat much. all e bbq i had before were quite "unsuccessful" cause either we couldn't start fire or food was not really eadibleXP..but oh well~we had fun~~haha
so yea, here come the photos~

earlier tt day LC trying to play guitar

yj enjoying himself in front of e fan after bball~
e pit n cooks
(elvin is quite gd at cooking~)
oh my tian, conana was smiling~:D
wei qiang n xuemin playing PS2~~*ahem*:P
tian cai~(my face was screwed haha)



hair been messed up by eunice:P
hah~~i'm going to dye my hair this morning, n got stuff to do in e afternoon. so better get some sleep now~~oh btw i woke up at 2:30 pm today haha:P