Monday, June 30, 2008

hc is going tsingdao tmr~so will be away for 3 days:D

Sunday, June 29, 2008

went out to practice my driving yst..then went to buy blanket for us with my mum
n while i was driving slowly like a snail, i saw this counter-terrorism force marching for drill near e sports hall area. could see their gears like rifles n pistols..n they were all dressed in black, quite cool~

ate buffet at some jap restaurant at night~~e food is quite gd...i think we finished in total ard 30 dishes..n it's not served so small like sakae...but like twice or trice tt of sakae~~haha n i've gained 3kg since i'm back~~


mum n dad~~i think this pic is v cute:D
e interior of e restaurant~

took this pic at ard 11pm plus..e lamp was giving out warm light with e contrasting dark night all ard it..i suddenly felt so lonely yet warm...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Alrite~~i think blogspot is avalible alrdy...which means i can update yay~

shall update e pics first~

this somehow reminds abt jr's "mermaid n rock"haha~
so life back here is quite..hmm..slack~everyday juz wake up n eat n go out n gathering n guitar n battlefield2 n visiting blah blah~~
n i think i'm gonna gain weight cause my appetite has increased a lot...-_-..
anw..found my bicycle frm e store room today n got it ready for riding...haha think i'm gonna ride it often frm now on cause i wan tour ard e city~
haha All e best to JC pupils for ur CTs!!it's gonna be over soon~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'll be leaving SG in a couple of hours.....

really sad abt leaving..i noe i'm gonna miss every single of u so much...

but haiz~guess we have to face e reality~~dun worry, HC is strong~haha:D

I dun have e time now to list down all of u, so THANKS everyone for ur present n support!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!


one for all, all FOUR ONE!:D

e RETARDS! (with e absence of zhen)

well~Time to go....i'll miss all of u! take care my fens n we'll see each other one day!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Brandy tastes good with sprite, but i have too little ingradients to add

Juz reached home not long ago~
went to cine's HKcafe with Ting for lunch
nice catch up yea...

then went to that cd shop, ting introduced me e Shanghai jazz~nice music, especially e instrumental background~ but e singing is not so gd as in it doesn't has e retro feeling inside, sounds a bit plain...but overall it's still a nice album ha~
train-ed to city hall to meet liu min, then went to peninsula plaza
liu bought her new hocky stick n bag~
then walked ard in pen, saw some weird shops like Magic spell shop which sells weird stuff like unicorn power, voo doo doll~~
then went to fu nan n saw some ppl playing lan game. n one guy got so excited tt he kepting shouting orders to his teammates haha, n everyone was like staring at him~
went back to city hall to meet xinyi, then walked back to fu nan to eat dinner
all three of us ate foot long subway sandwich..felt quite full n cold after eating( cause of e cold drink~)
then we went to 7-11 to look for poker cards but they dun have made our way home~~
oh yea~saw meng yu at e city link tunnel~
tmr got 4/1 class outing~can't wait haha~hope it'll be a gd weather:D

Thursday, June 5, 2008

suddenly feel e urge to go gym....shoot...i wan more muscles...hah
i rmb today is someone's b'day, but can't rmb who~~but anw happy birthday to Yueh-Hsin, who's my choir senior-senior haha

so i shall update a bit abt our stay at sonia's house before e choir bbq last saturday..

her house is quite cool~neat,clean with nice view outside window~
i met eunice2 at e bus stop thr before sonia n tian cai came over to pick us bitten by mosquito:(

i dunno sonia can play violin n she has a guitar at home too~
check out tian cai's shocking face when she discovered tt she could produce sound with e violin haha:P

eunice yIp~

eunice2 teaching michel guitar while i was figuring out how to play violin~
sonia,tian cai,eunice1

michel looks like a star posing haha~
i played e guitar~

ppl started to play some card game related to cats n bugs:P while dianfeng was trying to sleepzzz



then we took this nice grp pic~

n another one...but something unexpected is going to happen....

can't u see e smerk on michel's face? haha



oh well~~second taupok of e month~haha:D

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Congratulations to my cousin who has won this "Mei Lan Shan Nian" competition.

so now he got e chance to go NBA to train for three months, starting from this year December~

maybe I can meet him there~

re-dyed my hair today, so it's not tt blonde like a banana. n e autie is quite nice, she charged me only a little haha~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

so I got my hair dyed today, n shoot I DON"T LIKE IT man! it's way to blonde~i think e colour is quite close to monkey LOL

Think i'll nvr dye my hair again...


Monday, June 2, 2008

Choir BBQ!

hey~so last Saturday was e election day n bbq. congrats to e next com~~

hmm~~then come to e bbq session. I admit tt this is e first successful bbq i ever had, although i didn't eat much. all e bbq i had before were quite "unsuccessful" cause either we couldn't start fire or food was not really eadibleXP..but oh well~we had fun~~haha
so yea, here come the photos~

earlier tt day LC trying to play guitar

yj enjoying himself in front of e fan after bball~
e pit n cooks
(elvin is quite gd at cooking~)
oh my tian, conana was smiling~:D
wei qiang n xuemin playing PS2~~*ahem*:P
tian cai~(my face was screwed haha)



hair been messed up by eunice:P
hah~~i'm going to dye my hair this morning, n got stuff to do in e afternoon. so better get some sleep now~~oh btw i woke up at 2:30 pm today haha:P