Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i think this video is brilliant

hey i'm doing fine, but e weather recently is damn hot n moist:( hope there will be a heavy downpour~~

as i was looking through e videos in my laptop, i realised tt i forgot to upload e vids i took in Italy. hmm so i shall upload them soon~

here's one which i've uploaded..abt conana...it was made on our flight back Singapore:)

Friday, July 18, 2008

alrite shld update smth.
hmm....firstly lemme show u guys e pics of e algae along e coastline in tsingdao~
e train which i took to tsingdao~

dad n me on e train~
shld update some wedding photos but i haven't received them, so here's e only photo i have in my phone

my cousins. they were e maids of honor~
got dance lesson tmr(actually shld say it today alrdy)~i'm learn poppin~
that's all for today:D

Monday, July 14, 2008

haven't been online for a week, i was quite occupied with all kinds of stuffs..zzz..i've got quite a number of things to write, e wedding, e trip, hmm maybe e dance lesson which i'm goona sign up today~~so yea, hopefully i will update soon:D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

got drunk for e first time in my life last night. n now still having headache n stomach upset. i hate this feeling