Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finally updated...

Haiz~~finally I can view blogspot with no obstacles.......Do You Know that there used to be a forbaddance of surfing certain websites in china? It 's quite awkward........

BUT now the problem has been solved. This ban has been lifted and I can surf this blog with ease.

Gonna update my HK trip recently.....HK is very very young, cool and energetic....

and SJ I have relinked you....nice posts on your HK trip, very detailed.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Class chalet

Hey Hey~~it's the class chalet~~

So the 3-day-2-night class chalet will start on Wednesday this week...

here is a check list for things you need to bring, it's just for reference..you may bring other stuff if you need...

-cloth for 3 days
-bags for changed/dirty cloth
-money for food, drinks etc
-your special medicine if needed
-towel, tooth brush, shampoo etc

And people who want to meet before going to chalet please inform Siew Rong so that she knows who to be expected there...the meeting place is at JE MRT Control room at 14:00 on the 21th November, which is this coming Wednesday...

So I'm looking forward to see you guys there...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"What to do"list

  • Get Jay's new album

This can be removed from my list.

The new album is...hmm........okay.....I will give it 6....upon 10...

I like Cai Hong...Qing Hua Ci is okay...Niu Zai is okay....Che and Wu Shuai are not that good.....the rest is average.....

So what's next? Let me think....

  • watch full metal alchemist movie
  • learn guitar
  • pick up piano
  • read books
  • drawing
  • train in gym
  • not to sleep for 24 hours
  • eat lots of food (like Huo Guo, Shui Zhu Yu etc)
  • get a pair of new shoes
  • new specs
  • watch lots of movies
  • taking photo of varied places
  • maybe get a cap
  • try ebay or Taobao online dealing
  • get a pair of cargo pants

these are what I can think of so far......will add some items once I have them in mind.....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time error

Just realized that the publishing time of each of my articles is incorrect.....

"What-to-do" list

Holiday is about to begin. So have you got yourself a "what-to-do" list?

Recently, I've being thinking about this list..Hmmm.....got lots of stuff which I want to do...for instance, learning guitar, picking up piano, try not to sleep for two days....blar blar blar.......

"...do you have the feeling that you meant to do something...extraordinary?"

LoL...the Heros are coming to town....but who cares? hahaz..I'm not a fan of them....


Jay's new album is out....sounds great.....so let me put down my first item on my list

  • Get Jay's new album


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Have you changed your skin?

I find out that the new blogger requires the XML templates. This is something new, so there are very few XML templates out there for me to try out. The old type of skins can't fit the new blogger......so irritating........I don't really like the current skin.....it's so DULL.....................

Hope I can find something more vivid to replace this skin.......haiz.......

Got anoTher One!

Okay! So I open up another blog!

Yesterday, SJ started his Blogthosphere. By leaving a message in his blog, I realised that I have this blogspot account long long ago. The initial reason is for the higher chinese homework. Miss Teo (or should I say Mrs Lee:D ) asked us to set up a blog so that we can communicate with each other and exchange commends. But it didn't work......so this blog is kind of abandoned..........

Anyway, I found it yeasterday and decided to use it again:)

I will use English in this blog, check out my chinese blog at


LoL....so I will start to record my life, emotions, experiences...blah blah blah